Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wheat Harvest

Wheat harvest is upon us...EARLY! We are currently well into wheat harvest and all is going good so far and looks to be a great wheat crop! We had a much needed inch of rain last night so today was a bit slow but we will be back at it tomorrow. Combines will be running as well as baling, stacking, ditching, working ground and getting beet lifters ready in the shop for pre-harvest.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Shed Has a New Home

The shed has a new home over in the other yard we have storage located at.

Getting ready to move second half

Each piece ready to roll down the road


First half in place

Second half in place

Both pieces are now in place at their new location and this week the movers are working on setting them down and putting them back together. We will be filling it back up soon!

It's been very hot and dry the last two weeks which have moved the crop along quite a bit so we look to be harvesting wheat by the end of the week/next week. In the mean time we have been working on hauling clay filling in where the shed moved from next to the shop.

Where the shed used to sit next to shop

We have access to clay in a hole just East of the yard

Scrapers get loaded and haul to the yard

There is a road in the field to get to and from the yard with clay

Keeping up with field work..Farming is #1!! We have been hauling lime from Minn-Dak to spread after the wheat is harvested.

Jaques hauling lime

Spraying the sugarbeets the first time with fungicide for cercospora disease.

The JD Sprayer is equipped with load command quick attach so there are no hoses,
just connects with a magnet.

Loads in a few minutes

Then once it's loaded it disconnects

And off Tim goes to spray once again

Wheat harvest will be here before we know it and the shop is busy getting these gals all ready to go!

Until next time when hopefully we have a successful wheat harvest to report!!