Friday, April 27, 2012

Back in the Game!

Last week here at KTM was a bit slow we had a bit over 2" of rain so that shut us down planting corn and sugarbeets until Monday of this week we were able to get back out there rolling again. We had a pretty good going week and have most of the sugarbeets and corn in the ground until today it's been raining off and on most of the day...a nice rain shower and break isn't the worst scenario. Hope to finish up with those soon and then on to planting soybeans hopefully next week! Here are some of the higlights of what we have been up to around here....

Spreading fertilizer-
Mark spreading fertilizer for corn

Planting Sugarbeets-
Tim planting sugarbeets

Brady and Tim "Team Beets" in action filling the planter

First planted beets are up!

Planting Corn-

Dale planting corn

Jim and Cody filling planter with seed and liquid fertilizer

Wheat Progress-
Home Section (Section 9) wheat is looking good!

Sometimes you get a couple squatters looking for a free meal!